The study examined the factors that influence the participation of Nigeria women in Adult literacy programmes in some centers of Oshodi/Isolo local Governemrnt Area of Lagos State.
Within Scope of this study, it has been possible to view on the concept of Adult education, its development, scope and objectives, the Campaign for mass literacy in Nigeria, women and literacy education in Nigeria.
Some factors believed to have contributed positively to the involvement of women in Adult Literacy programmes in Nigeria were hypothesized by the researcher. The validity or otherwise of these ascertions was tested through the use questionnaire and items by items of analysis indicated that among the influential factors in women’s participation in Adult Literacy programmers are the Campaign for women liberation, ability to improve themselves economically, socially and politically are also significant factors that truly influenced women.
Government attitude however, played a vital role but it was not a significant factor to their participation in Adult literacy programmes in Nigeria.
There was a negative finding, which showed that husband’s status is Insignificant to the participation of Nigeria women in Adult literacy programmes.
Based on the findings of this research, some recommendations were made ranging from government’s responsibilities in motivating more women to participated in Adult literacy programmes. It was also recommended that adequate monitoring and supervising should be hold tight in order to achieve a desire result.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of Contents viii
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope of the Study
2.1 Meaning of Adult literacy
2.2 The Scope of Adult Education
2.3 Aims and objectives of Adult Education
2.4 Mass literacy Campaign in Nigeria
2.6 Women in Development in Nigeria
3.1 Research method /Design
3.2 Population and Sampling Procedure
3.3 Research Instrumentation
3.4 Validity and Reliability of the Instrumentation
3.5 Method of Data Collection
3.6 Data Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Summary of the chapter
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
Today nearly one billion of adults are totally illiterate. The word literacy are varying and vague in definitions both in literature and practice. Literacy is only a potential tool that can be used for a variety of economic, social, political and cultural purposes.
Three principal State Objectives for launching literacy programmes could be socio-political, economic and demand meeting. Both national non governmental and government organization often play an imperative role in the teaching of adult-literacy programmes. Factors that explain low attendance and weak motivation of individual adult particularly women in adult literacy programmes are conditions of poverty in rural areas, lack of self confidence, disillusionment, discouraging teaching methods, lack of easy and useful reading materials.
However, literacy strategies with factors that influence the adult-literacy programme in the lives of women in Nigeria particularly and in the other African countries generally are the following approaches: fundamental education, selective intensive functional conscientization and mass campaign.
Other literacy programmes may differ from the afore-mentioned approaches and may focus on popular education campaigns to eradicate illiteracy. Post literacy is important for motivation, for consolidating literacy and for preventing relapse into illiteracy. A process of social change and mobilitization is necessary to sustain women’s participation. Crucial research areas should include the impact and usefulness of literacy, learning literacy in a second language, content and method dropout, quality versus quantity sponsorship and organization of literacy.
In November 2001, a national policy on adult education was endorsed in Nigeria Educational system by the central Board of education. And among their focus include such activities as home crafts for women and practical community improvement projects. Women should be given special measure in the adult education scheme. Moreso, the Nigeria National council for adult education (NNCAE) which was formed in 1971 has been assigned to review the current national policy on education in order to influence and enhance the interest of women in Adult – Literacy programmes.
In addition to literacy programmes, the missionary were concerned with making good homes of their convert. The Christian missionaries like Roman Catholic and C.M.S established programmed for women converts. Training homes for both married women and girls who were betrothed to church members. Such programmes they engaged in are health education, child caring knit and cookery were taught in addition, to literacy and reading of religious books. Also, women conferences were turned to teaching occasions. The philosophy behind women’s programmes reflect the saying that ‘’the family is what the mother is and the nation is what the family is’’
By the end of the world war 11, the need for mass education was felt by the government. Mass education projects and community development schemes were organized in IIaro, Egbado, Ekiti and Ijebu divisions in the west and Udi, Bendel and Afikpo divisions in the East. In trying to justify enlightened citizenry late chief Awolowo stated ‘’to educate the children and enlighten the illiteracy- adults is to lay a solid foundation not only for future, social and economic progress but also for political stability. Thus, in fully educated citizenry is according to him the most powerful deterrent to dictatorship, oligarchy and feudal autocracy. (O. Obafemi Awolowo, am autobiography 1960 page 268)
The main reason or purpose of this study is to seek to how we can improve the lives of the women in our society particularly those that did not have access to formal education at their tender ages as it was rightly said by one of our great fathers late chief Obafemi Awolowo, he said ‘’the philosophy behind progress in the home is what the mother is and the nation is what the family is’’. In other words, a well educated mother will definitely have a significant role to play in the lives of her children.
Moreover, we should not forget that education is the fundamental human right and therefore the need for majority of our women to be educated connate be under emphasized. They need to know their right in the community they belong to and also on national issues and not that only; it helps to build a strong nation.
It has been a general belief of people in Nigeria culture that women should be seen and not to be heard in the society and that women are mere ‘’baby factories’’ that is, their duty or responsibility is child bearing. It was believed that no matter the level of their education attainment, they inevitably end it in the kitchen. So, from the general perspective, educating them will amount to wasting
of time, resources and energy. It is therefore of interest to researcher to identify the factors responsible for such assumptions.
1. Does the level of education of women bring about inferiority complex to them?
2. Does relationship with family, neighbors, friends geared women towards adult – literacy programmes?
3. How effective are the adult education programmes better the lives of women?
4. Would the ability of women to read and write improve their social, mental, economic and their general well being?
5. Would the ability to read and write earn them respect?
This research work tends to test and validate the truth or otherwise of the following hypothesis.
a. There is no significant relationship between the participation of Nigeria women in adult –literacy programmes and the campaign for women liberation.
b. There is no significant relationship between the status of husband and the participation between of women in adult literacy progammes.
c. There is no significant relationship between government attitude to the role of women in the society and the participation of women in adult literacy programmes.
d. There is no significant relationship and between women’s economic social and political status and their participation in adult education programmes.
It is the belief of the researcher that the result of this study will shed more light on the image and role of women in Nigeria through the adequate exposure. It will give more knowledge to the factors influencing women participation in adult literacy programmes.
Secondly, the study would enable government to decide on how to improve their performance and their involvement in women education in Nigeria. Moreso, the researcher hopes that through the result of this research more women would be encouraged to yield interest to the benefits of adult- literacy programmes so as to be more useful to themselves and to the nation as a whole.
By doing this they will aid the government in achieving the goal of eradicating illiteracy among Nigerians. It will also encourage them to know that they have some untapped potentials which can only be utilized when they are well informed.
This study covers wide areas on Nigeria adult literacy programmes. But the study limits itself to Lagos State secondary Schools. For the purpose of the study therefore, investigations will be limited to only three adult educational continuing centres in Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State Nigeria.
It is imperative to know that, though, the study is limited to apply to other parts of the country with the same views about women adult- literacy programmes.
i. Continuing Education: life long process of learning
ii. ‘’Baby factories: means only for child bearing.
iii. Literacy education: The process of teaching and learning the art of reading and writing.
iv. Adult: someone who is above 18years old and is intellectually and emotionally mature.
v. Extra-moral: Additional training after normal classes or training. It can otherwise refers to teaching that takes place after normal school hour or during holidays.
vi. Mass Education: Training or enlightment of members of group of people especially the working class categories.
vii. Formal School; A regular school with acceptable code of conducts.
viii. Women liberation: the process of releasing of freeing women from a particular bondage or marginalization in the society.
ix. Adult education/Literacy: Training programmes designed for mature people who are intellectually and emotionally sound.
The term education is difficult to define but some kind of understanding may take place if we carefully examine the concept of Education.
Education by definition is the act or process of impacting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the power of reasoning, judgment and level of intellectual maturity. It is also the act of Science or process of teaching at a certain level, range or degree of instructions.
Education can also be defined as a method or process of mental reasoning and it equally helps to develop social and intellectual maturity.
Education can be divided into two types: the formal learning (education) through an institution such as schools whether full-time or part time studies. And self acquired knowledge through the reading of books or engaging one-self in certain professions through instruction books and materials.
this second types of education is known as Informal education.
For instance, the first training that a child acquires or learns is from his or her parents is an example of informal education. As such individual can acquire knowledge either by formal education or informal education.
Generaly, education is important for learning basic life- skills as well as learning advance skills which can make a person more attractive in the labour market amidst many competitors. When individual thinks of becoming educated, he thinks first about formal schooling according to Richard Barbara(USA) Journal,(2006). Formal schooling exists in a classroom setting where a teacher provides curriculum according to an accepted plan of what must be learned.
What is Adult- Education? Adult Education is a field of education that deals with the teaching of adults. There is no standard definition for what qualifies as adult education beyond this broad definition. This type of education includes many other various types of continuous education classes
Another definition was given by Richard and Greenoughin (2006). They defined Adult Education as a process whereby a person who is no longer attends school on a regular or full time basis can pursue an organized studies and activities that equip him to perform roles in society in a more creative and excellent fashion to be of use
to him and even to the society at large.
The implementation committee of the National Policy adopted by the international conference held in South Africa on 27th March, 2003. To recognize a person as an adult such must possess intellectual, emotional, mental and as well as social maturity that is in uniform with the society – standard. In other words, this definition spells out, that for such these qualities mentioned to be attained, and for a person to be really refer to as Adult, he must acquire basic knowledge and understanding that make him function well in the society.
Thus, in Summary, what is Education and what is Adult-Education? Education could be best defined according to the researcher as a process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the power of reasoning judgement and the level of intellectual maturity or it is the process of developing mental and intellectual skills as long as people are growing and developing. An Adult-Education can be defined as a process by which Adults seek to improve their entire reasoning and skills in an organized educational process or through personal training with the help of instructional materials such as books and other equipments (Prof. Aborishade and Prof. Afe Babalola 2005).
But whatever definitions given to Adult Education, two major things stand out; firstly, Adult Education seeks the Improvement and development of adult skills and mental reasoning. Secondly, Adult Education is defined for part-time studies whether on weekend basis or holiday basis and it is for a mature persons. Therefore, it being seen as an integral part of any modern Country educational system.
Adult Education has a very limitless scope as far as state, community, individuals and national developments are concerned.
From the state point of view or perspective, the success of implementing and adhere to civic duties, family planning, crusade programme, the implementation of modern health care delivery system and as well as maintaining standard of living for the masses in the society could only be effective and successful when majority of the people in the society are well educated. Thus, Optional Utilization of resources in the state and in the nation will be achieved. Education creates high degree of awareness, commitment, knowledge and skill acquisition which can transform a nation and individuals from a primitive level to highly sophisticated level.
From the national level perspective, education or adult education makes population
census easy to achieve and it will reduce wrong counting. It helps government to
distribute resources effectively, it helps them to reduce over dependence, because through education, creativity level of the individuals will increase and therefore yielding more revenues to the government and increasing the standard of living could be much possible.
The followings are some types of Adult Educations: Literacy Education; Vocational Education; mass Education; leisure and re – creational Education; correspondence or Distance Education; Extensional Education; Women Education; Community education; Development Remedial Education; Continuing Education etc.
Specifically the aims and objectives of Adult – Education as it is constrained in the National Policy on Education – Edition 4th of Nigeria Educational System (2004) are
i. To provide functional literacy education for Adult who have never had the advantage of formal Education.
ii. To provide functional and remedial Education to increase their skills at various level e.g there is ICT programmes Organized by the Lagos State government for youths and adults classes since 2007 till date on holidays basics to make every one computer literate in the labour market.
iii. To provide further education for different categories of Adult who need to advance their knowledge and skills for the betterment of themselves and the society.
iv. To give the Adult Citizen of the country necessary aesthesis, cultural and civil Education for public enlightenment.
v. It is also to reduce, the level of illiteracy, crime and social ill acts in the society, by creating needed equipments and skills to achieve this.
Mass literacy campaign in Nigeria became necessary because about three – quarter of Nigeria Citizens are illiterates according to the recent statistics given by the federal ministry of Education of Nigerian in 2008.
It is a well established fact that a nation or country that has more than half of her total population being illiterate can have little or no technological improvement, and generally, such country will continue to experience viscous circle of poverty according to prf. Charles soludo, the former central Bank of Nigeria governor in his speech released on CBN website (2008)
There is a continuous Mass Education programme under the Literacy policy programme established by the federal Ministry of Education in 2003 during the former President Olusegun Obasanjo regime which was designed with the universal Basic Education programme (UBE). It was created at the Federal Education Ministry and carried on across the country to all the sates of the federation.
The programme was established so that every individual who did not have access to Education at their early age could still avail themselves by attending Adult Education on weekend and holidays basis, so that everyone would know how to read and write fluently and increase their creativity.
According to Dr Agbede of Adult Education Department in University of Lagos (2002). He said language barrier is among reasons where there is conflicts among ethnic groups, a situation whereby an Hausa man wants to sell goods or service to a Yoruba man and both of them did not know how to express their opinions to each other to transact business easily, in such condition it might be very difficult to continue business without challenge, and sometimes most of the argument among two or more people of different languages could be as a result of language barriers so we need a common language to channel our communications among ourselves for better understanding and for the national development, and this common language that is recognized by all is English Language. Thus, to learn how to read and write and to speak has become necessary in Nigeria society. For this purpose, the spread of public awareness for mass literacy education in the society must be taken serious with all sense of responsibility.
The researcher also, discovered that issue of Boko Harram (Western Education is forbidden) is as a result of cause of ignorant, leading to shedding of innocents blood particularly in the Northern parts of the Country. It is a pure consequence of illiteracy level in the country. The majority of them did not even go to elementary School, they are wrongly believed that western Education is not the best because of their cultural and Religious beliefs and norms. The only better and adequate solution to this, is to enlighten them the importances of Education, through mass literacy programmes. They need to know what western education stands for, and appreciate the advantages of it.
It is more imperative also, that this training of the minds through mass literacy should be functionally oriented in order to last longer and to reduce or wipe out illiteracy completely in our society. In 2010, the research conducted in Accra, the capital city of Ghana under the umbrella of Educational Development programme for Africa (EDPA). It was reviewed that South Africa is taking a lead in the Africa as for as Education is cornered mainly because they earnestly paid attention to the important of it. And for this pivotal attention to the Education sector in South Africa, other sectors are doing well. In other words without adequate and necessary materials to Educate, hardly can any other sectors experience development.
Education is the pillar of every other sectors and which the attention of any serious government should be focused on it in order to develop other sectors,according to the research.
Mass literacy campaign in Nigeria, therefore became very vital to reduce crime rate, over dependence rate, diseases and pestilences and over – population.
A recent report on Nigeria population censes commission carried out on June (2011) expressed fear that if awareness is not given towards family planning campaign, by the year 2015, Nigeria population will likely close two hundred thousand (200,000). The implication of this is that there will be scarcity of goods and services and as such the demand rate will rise but the supply side will reduce and the effect of it is famine. So there is a necessary need for everyone to be socially and economically enlightened to be creative in their respective field to reduce over- dependence and to reduce birth rate. Mass literacy is needed to educate the illiterates on how to read and write and utilize their potentials so that they can be an advantage to themselves and to the society at large.
In summary, mass literacy is very important to any country that is lagging behind and that wants to experience growth and development in all sectors of the economy. This, is among reasons why president Goodluck Ebere Jonathan gave a huge support to the Educational sector in year 2012 Federal allocate Budget. The Education Sector alone received about one –ninth of the total Budget. Meaning that as far as Nigeria Citizens are concerned no one should be denied the ability to read and write.
Moreover, the present campaign on vocational education is still part of Adult education programmes and it is not for Nigeria graduates only but for everyone who wants to complete in the labour market.
Literacy is a fundamental right of every citizen and those who do not understand might question the reason behind having a special programmes for women. Women basically in developing countries like Nigeria constitute more than fifty five percent (55%) of the total population. Women are the bedrock of every family and a family is a unite of a community while two or more communities make a nation. In this wise, no family without a virtuous mother can produce a better community and a community with few women been educated is in disorder and such cannot produce a great nation.
There is a need in this wise for our women to be literate so as to give their children and wards sound education and home training which will equally have a positive effect no the society. According to Prof. Ayorinde of university of Ilorin(2005).
He said, the time is now, that our women should be adequately learned to share their quotas in the national issues,to achieve this, mass literacy for women is a must as it is a very important tool to strike the balance.
For instance, many of the women in the Northern parts of the country are illiterates and unfortunately the lives of our younger generation are in their hands because in most cases children are easily influenced by their parental attitudes and characters and no one can give what he or she does not .
The World Enlightenment Conference (WEC) in (2011) also took note of the fact that women in developing countries are particularly disadvantaged with respect to poverty, Education, Employment, sickness and status position in the society which is the product of lack of Education.
The issue of illiteracy eradication is not for them to read and write only but to give them sense of self reliance as well as to be able to cater for their needs from household needs to the material needs, social needs, and educational needs of their children and not always depend on their husbands for all the things they need.Thus, acquisition of knowledge will give them sense of belonging to see themselves as important as their male counterpart in the society.
All over the world, women are characterized with the following experiences ; injustice, oppression, marginalization,sexual harassment, poverty etc. It is therefore necessary to examine the aims and objectives of comprehensive Rural Operations Service Society otherwise know as (CROSS), a success story of educating and empowering women. The fire band objectives of (CROSS) on adult and mass literacy Education for women was based on the experienced of the past,a lot of things were responsible for the inferiority complex of women in the society of the world. From the biological point of view,women, naturally are different from men, they are weaker in terms of emotion stability than men. Women, were wrongly believed that their major duties are domestic duties, believing that, there was no need to be completing with men by going to school to learn how to read and write,
so along the line women were deprived of the right to Education because of this misconception unlike their male counterparts who were encouraged to embrace education. Educating women in those periods were like wasting time, resources and even asking to loose their moral standard, because they felt that through western Education they could easily influence negativity because they are emotionally weak. Up till today there are some parts of Nigeria Country where they do not allow their female to attend former education because of cultural and Religious reasons. For instance, many Islamic fanatics condemned western education, that it is morally wrong for male and female children to be sitting together on the same bench in the classroom. So for these reasons, they deprived their female children and women to benefit from western Education.
In addition to the above, women are viewed as their husbands’ property and their daughters are treated as second to the male children. On these reasons, many women turned out be illiterates, ignorant, poor and constantly marginalized. The effect of this is that most women perception about life generally is very poor they almost see themselves as slave to their husbands and to the community as well.
But fortuntiately as at 3rd October, 2012 there is a serious campaign on mass literacy for both formal and non-formal education, as it was announced by the chairman secretary to the Nigeria Education policy (NEP) Dr. Jubril Paiko on African Independent Television (AIT), He said, Federal government and state government should start disseminating books and instruction materials to all the accredited centres to ensure that there is no stop to mass literacy education in Nigeria, and particularly women should make themselves available to learn how to read and write effectively.
The issue of women had been addressed by two types of programmmes;(1)General development programme and (2)women specific programme. But with all these programmes the issue of women is still of great concern as far as education is concern.
In Nigeria, empirical evidence indicates a close inverse relationship between women’s education growth and a positive correlation with heath care enhancement, social ,economic and political orientation among others. In general,education of women have a salutary spin offs on the pace of economic growth and development. The significance of women’s contribution to the development and growth is visible. However many factors like culture, religious and social barriers exists that tend to inhibit their performance and make their contribution sub optimal. Consequently, women are restricted to mental jobs in agriculture and industries while men are absorbed into demanding technical jobs. Although, women perform many essential tasks and in most cases are predominantly occupied with household services, the national income accounting system tends to ignore or underestimate their contribution on Gross Domestic product (GDP). It is essential that the contribution of women should be evaluated and taken into account in economic planning, including national income account.
The concept of women to stick to areas associated with house keeping and motherhood is often at times a setback to their progress; As soon as women began to acquire good education, the wide gap between men and women will begin to wipe off .When this is achieved, all other areas like economic, social and political interest will naturally fall into place. The prediction is that between (2012 – 2020) women in Nigeria would have been sufficiently empowered that they will occupy some of the most prominent positions in our society. One thing stands clear, Education is of real imperative to liberate Nigeria women. According to marie fatayi Williams, ‘’the Nigeria women must strive not only to acquire basic education, but to attain full intellectual and professional potential’’
This chapter deals with various methods and procedures employed in carrying out the study on the assessment of the factors responsible for the participation of Nigerian women in Adult literacy programmes. This chapter therefore concerns itself with the method in which data was collected, how and from what source the needed information are gathered, the hypothetical relationships and derived conclusions and of course the criteria governing the acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses.
The chapter is presented under the following headings
– Research Design
– Population of the study
– Sample and sampling technique
– Instrumentation
– Validity and Reliability of the instrumentation
– Data Collection
– Data Analysis
For the purpose of this study, the research design used was descriptive survey due to the fact that the study was designed to collect data that would be used in describing what was in existence concerning the factors responsible for the participation of Nigerian women in Adult literacy programmes.
The population of this study comprised of students from selected study centres in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State. And it is basically given to the female students from these study centres.
The basic sample and sampling technique was questionnaires which were administered to one Hundred students (100) of Adult women literacy programmes undergoing literacy Education in selected Study centres of Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State and these centers are; Ikeja Grammar School
(Oshodi Centre): Ansar un-deen Comprehensive High School (Okota Centre) and Fadu Memorial Primary School (Ejigbo Certre)
The one Hundred (100) questionnaires were distributed randomly to the three study centres students in the 7:7:6 that is, thirty five (35) questionnaires to both Oshodi and Okota centres while thirty (30) questionnaires was given to Ejigbo study centre respectively.
The questionnaire was used for collecting data and would be divided into four sections, that is, section A,B,C and D respectively which would be tested under various hypothesis.
There are twenty questions which the study seeks to find out answers to from the respondents. Each section contains five items which are related to the objective and subject matters of the study
The instrumentation (questionnaires) drafted for this study was shown to my supervisor who made useful critic and suggestion for improvement. Some aspects of the questionnaire were re-arranged for easy completion by the respondents for the purpose of data collection.
In administering the research instrument, the respondents were expected to tick the followings options: for positive respond, they choose either strongly agree or Agree while for the negative respond, they choose either strongly disagree or Disagree in the front of the items that best express their feelings. The filled questionnaires were collected by the researcher.
Data Analysis
The appropriate method for data analysis for the study was a descriptive one. Frequency distributions and percentage were used in analyzing the data.
In calculating the data analysis, both Agreed and strongly agreed were calculated together as a positive respond which represented Agreed while Strongly disagreed and Disagreed were calculated as a negative respond which represented Disagreed on the table in chapter four.
This chapter deal with the analysis of the data collected and discussed the result obtained from the analyzed data. The data used for this analysis was derived from responses of one hundred students from all the three selected women Adult literacy study centres in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos State.
Doing this, percentage was used to analyse the data. The raw scores were then converted into percentages as a necessary means of obtaining a common basis for upholding or in terms of neglecting the research questions. All the hypotheses employed in this study are discussed and treated side by side. In all, one hundred (100) respondents participated filled the questionnaires that were distributed by the researcher. All the one hundred (100) Questionnaires were duly completed by the respondents and returned back to the searcher.
Initially, the questionnaire was divided into four part ie strongly Agreed, Agreed, Strongly Disagreed and Disagreed. Strongly Agreed and Agreed were calculated together as positive responses while strongly Disagreed were calculated together as negative response
Research Question One: is there any relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their ability to read and write?
1 Men and women are equal 60 60.0 40.0 40.0 100
2 Ability to read and write make women equal to men 62 62.0 38.0 38.0 100
3 Ability to read and write will make women better off than men? 63 63.0 37 37.0 100
4 Does ability to read and write make women impact positively on their children Education: 79 79.0 21 21.0 100
5 Ability to read and write affect women’s standard of living positively? 83 83.0 17 17.0 100
TOTAL 347 347.0 153 153.0 500
PERCENTAGE 69.0 30.6
From the table shown above in research questions, 63 respondents which represents 63% agreed with the statement which says “men and women are equal” while the remaining 37 respondents which represents 37% disagreed with the above statement.
Secondly. The second item on the table above says “Ability to read and write make women equal to men” which has 62 respondents agreed which represent 62% while the remaining 38 respondents disagreed with the above statement which respect 38% on the table above.
Thirdly the third table above has 63 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “Ability to read and write make women better off than men” which represents 63% while the remaining 37 respondents with the under listed statement which represents 37% on the above table.
Fourthly, the fourth item on above has 79 respondents who agreed with statement which says “ability to read and write make women impact positively on their children education’’ which represents 79% while the remaining 21 respondents disagreed with statement which represents 21% on the above table.
Lastly, the fifth item on the table above has 83 respondents who disagreed with the above statement which represent 17% on the above table.
Research Question Two; does the degree of women seeking to improve themselves socially, economically and politically have a relationship with reading and writing?
6 Would the ability to read and write affect women social status 72 72.0 18 18.0 100
7 Ability to read and write affect women economic 78 78.0 12 12.0 100
8 Ability to read and write 68 68.0 32 32.0 100
9 Ability to read and write earn women respect in the society 75 75.0 25 25.0 100
10 Ability to read and write affect women’s standard of living positively 80 80.0 20 20.0 100
TOTAL 373 373.0 127 127.0 500
PERCENTAGE 74.6 25.4
According to the table above first items has 72 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “ability to read and write affect women social status’ which represents 72% while 18 respondent disagreed with the above table
Secondly, the statement which says “ability to read and write has positive effect on women economic status’’ while the remaining 12 respondents disagreed with above statement which is converted to 12% in the above table.
Thirdly, the third items on the table has 68 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “ability to read and write has positive effect on women’s political status while the remaing 32 respondents disagreed with this statement which represent 32% on the table above.
Fourthly, the fourth item on the table above 75 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “ability to read and write earn women respect in the society’’
which represent 75% while 25% 0n the table above.
Lastly, the fifth item on the table says “ability to read and write has positive effect on women’ standard of living which represent 80% while the remaining 20 respondents disagreed with the statement above which is converted to 20% of that disagreed with the statement above.
Research Question Three: Is there any relationship between women participating in Adult Literacy programmes and their husbands social status?
11 I see myself inferior to my husband’s social status 48 48.0 52 52.0 100
12 I decided to learn how to read and write because I left out in my husband’s social life 38 38.0 62 62.0 100
13 I decided to learn how to read and write because I find difficult to relate with husband’s friends 47 47.0 53 53.0 100
14 I decided to learn how to read and write because my husband wants it for me 33 33.0 67 67.0 100
15 I decided to learn how to read and write because my is too proud 43 43.0 57 57.0 100
TOTAL 209 209.0 291 291.0 500
PERCENTAGE 41.4 58.2
From the table above 48 respondents agreed with the statement which says “I see myself inferior to my husband’s social status’’ which was represented by 48% while the remaining 52 respondents disagreed the statement above which represent 52% on the table above.
Secondly the second item on the table above has 38 respondents agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because I left out in my husband’s social life’’ which is converted to 38% while the remaining 62 respondent disagreed with the statement above it represents 62% on the table above.
Thirdly, the third item on the table above has 47respondents who agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because I find difficult to relate with husband’s social group’’ and this represents 47% while the remaining 53 respondents disagreed with the statement above and it represents 53% on the table above.
Fourthly, the fourth item on the above table has 43 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because my husband has attained a social status which I could not maintain’’ and this is represented by 43% while the remaining 57 respondents disagreed with this statement above and it represents 57% of those that disagreed on the above table.
Lastly, the fifth items on the table above has 33 respondents who agreed with the statement that says “I decided to learn how to read and writ because my husband wants it’’ and it represent 33% of those that agreed with the statement while the remaining 67 respondents disagreed with the statement above and it convert to 67% on the above table.
Research Question four: Is there any relationship between government’s attitude to the role women in the society and the participation of women in Adult Literacy programmes
16 I decided to learn how to read and write because government has encourage me 49 49.0 51 51.0 100
17 I decided to learn how to read and write because government is offering free Adult literacy programmes for women 38 38.0 62 62.0 100
18 I decided to learn t read and write because government is paying part of the tuition fees 41 41.0 59 59.0 100
19 I decided to learn how to read and write because un-educated the government is ready to help educated women in the society 26 26.0 74 74.0 100
20 I decided to learn how to read and write because un-educated women are not benefitting from the government provision in the society 43 43.0 57 57.0 100
TOTAL 142 142.0 358 358.0 500
PERCENTAGE 28.4 71.6
According to the table above one items has 49 respondents agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because government has encouraged me’’ which is represented by 49% while the remaining 51 respondents disagreed with this statement above and it represented 51% on the above table.
Secondly, the second item on the table above has 38 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because government is offering free Adult literacy programmes for women’’ which is represented by 38% while the remaining 62 respondents disagreed with this statement above and it represented 62% that disagreed.
Thirdly, the third item also has 41 respondents agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because government is paying part of the tuition fees’’ and this is represented by 41% while the remaining 59 respondents disagreed with this statement above and it represents 59% on the above table.
Fourthly, the fourth item on the table has 37 respondents who agreed with this statement which says “I decided to learn how to reading and write because government is ready to help educated women in the society and it represents 37% on the above table while 63 respondents disagreed with this statement above and represents 63% of those that disagreed with the statement above.
The last, it has 26 respondents who agreed with the statement which says “I decided to learn how to read and write because un-educated women are not benefitting from the government provision in the society’’ and it represents from government 26% of those who agreed while 74 respondents disagreed with this statement above and it also converted to 74% of those that disagreed with this statement above.
The four hypotheses in this project will be tested using chi square formular
X2 =( o-e)/e
Where O=oberved frequency of any value
E=expected frequency of any value
The X value obtain from the formular is compared with the value from the table of X for a given significance level and the number of the degree of freedom.
Ho (Null hypothesis) There is no significant relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their ability to learn how to read and write.
Hi Alternative hypothesis) There is a significant relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their ability to learn how to read and write.
This table below is used to get the observed and expected values to compute the test statistics as it related directly to this hypothesis.
To get the expected value for this cell, we divide the total number of observed by the number of cell available i.e 100/4=25
Factors Observed Expected
Strongly agreed 25 25
35 25
Strongly disagreed 27 25
Disagreed 13 25
Total 100 100
The computation for test statistics
X=(25-25)2/25 + (35-25)2/25 +(27-25 )2/25 +(13-25 )2/25
Determination of the critical value of degree of freedom (df)
Given K-1
Where K=4
Therefore 4-1=3
At 5% level of significance with(df) of 3,while X2=7.815
Decision rule
If calculated X2>X2to.o5 reject the Ho and accept Hi , which is the alternative. The computed figure 9.88 is greater than the chi square figure 7.814 i.e 9.88>7.815. Hence, the Ho hypothesis is rejected while which states that is a significant relationship between the participation of women liberation and their ability to learn how to read and write.
Judging from this, it can be safely concluded that the campaign for women liberation has been effective among the Nigeria women population.
2nd Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant relationship between the degree of women seeking to improve themselves socially, economically and politically and their ability to learn how to read
The four hypotheses in this project will be tested using chi square formular
X2 =( o-e)2/e
Where O=oberved frequency of any value
E=expected frequency of any value
The X value obtain from the formular is compared with the value from the table of X for a given significance level and the number of the degree of freedom.
Ho (Null hypothesis) There is no significant relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their ability to learn how to read and write.
Hi Alternative hypothesis) There is a significant relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their ability to learn how to read and write.
This table below was used to get the observed and expected values to compute the test statistics as it related directly to this hypothesis.
To get the expected value for this cell, we divide the total number of observed by the number of cell available i.e 100/4=25
Factors Observed Expected
Strongly agreed 25 25
35 25
Strongly disagreed 27 25
Disagreed 13 25
Total 100 100
The computation for test statistics
X2=E (0-e)2/e
X=(25-25)2/25 + (35-25)2/25 +(27-25 )2/25 +(13-25 )2/25
Determination of the critical value of degree of freedom (df)
Given K-1
Where K=4
Therefore 4-1=3
At 5% level of significance with (df) of 3,while X2=7.815
Decision rule
If calculated X2>X2to.o5 reject the Ho and accept Hi , which is the alternative. The computed figure 9.88 is greater than the chi square figure 7.814 i.e 9.88>7.815. Hence, the Ho hypothesis is rejected while which states that is a significant relationship between the participation of women liberation and their ability to learn how to read and write.
Judging from this, it can be safely concluded that the campaign for women liberation has been effective among the Nigeria women population.
2nd Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant relationship between the degree of women seeking to improve themselves socially, economically and politically and their ability to learn how to read and write.
Hi: There is a significant relationship between the degree of women seeking to improve themselves socially, economically and politically and their ability to learn how to read and write.
The table below was used to analyze this hypothesis. It was used to get the observed and the expected values to compete the test statistics.
E = 100 /4 =25
Factors Observed Expected
Strongly agreed 36 25
38 25
Strongly disagreed 12 25
Disagreed 14 25
Total 100 100
X2 = E (o-e)2/e
X2=(236-25)2/25 + (38-25)2/25 +(12-25 )2/25 +(14-25 )2/25
X2 = 7. 89 + 4.52 + 7.89+4.52
= 24.82
df = k-1 where k=4
At 5 % level of significant with df = 3 f = 3 while x2 = 7.815
Decision Rule
If the computed X2 > X2t o.o5 reject the Ho and accept Hi which is the Alternative Hypothesis. The computed figure 24.82 >7.815, hence the Ho is rejected and Hi which states that there is no significant relationship between the women seeking to improve themselves socially, economically and politically and their ability to read and write.
Hi: there is no significant relationship between women participating in Adult Literacy programmes and their husbands social status.
Table below was used to analyse the hypothesis, it was used to get the observed and expected values to computer test statistics
Factors Observed Expected
Strongly agreed 10 25
Agreed 18 25
Strongly disagreed 10 25
Disagreed 62 25
Total 100 100
Expected = 100/4=25
X2=E (0-e)2/e
X=(10-25)2/25 + (18-25)2/25 +(10-25 )2/25 +(62-25 )2/25
9 + 1.9 + 9 +15.2 =25.4
df = k-1 where K=4
At 5% level of significant with df 3,
Table X2 = 7.815
Decision Rule
If computed X2> X2to.o5, reject the Null hypothesis Ho and accept Hi, which is the alternative hypothesis the computed figure 25.4>7.815. hence the Ho is rejected and Hi which is no significant relationship between the ability of women read and write and their husbands social status.
This analyse shows clearly that there is no significant relationship between their husband social status and their ability to learn how to read and write
4th Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant relationship between government attitude women participation in Adult literacy programmes and their ability to read and write.
Hi: there is a significant relationship between government attitude to women participation in Adult literacy programmes and their ability to read and write.
Table below was used to analyse hypothesis and was used to get the observed and expected values to compute the test statistics.
and expected values to computer test statistics
Factors Observed Expected
Strongly agreed 35 25
Agreed 14 25
Strongly disagreed 42 25
Disagreed 9 25
Total 100 100
e = 100/4=25
X2=E (0-e)2/e
X2=(35-25)2/25 + (14-25)2/25 +(42-25 )2/25 +(9-25 )2/25
4.0+ 3.84 +13.4 +9.6 =30.84
Calculated X =30.84
df =k-1 where k=4
At 5% level of significant with df 3,
Table X2 = 7.815
Decision Rule
If computed X2> X2to.o5, reject the Ho hypothesis Ho and accept Hi, which is the (alternative) hypothesis
The computed figure 30.84>7.815. hence the Ho hypothesis is rejected while Hi hypothesis is accepted which states there no significant relationship between the ability of women read and write
From the research question one, we found out that there is a significant relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their ability to read and write.
Majority of the respondents supported the first research question which represented 69.4%. Also majority of the respondents supported the second research question which says “women seeking to improve their social economic and political status have a relationship with their reason to learn how to read and write, hence it has 74:6% supported this statement.
The third research question has many respondents disagreed with this statement which says “there is a relationship between women participating in Adult literacy programmes and their husbands social status. This third research question did not gain approval of respondents as it has only 41.8% supported this statement while 58.2% disagreed with the statement among the respondents.
The last research question also did not gain the support of the respondents as many respondents disagreed with this statement and it was only 28.4% that supported it while 71.6% disagreed with this research question four.
The significance of these findings shown that both the first two research questions have the significant relationship while many women undergo Adult literacy programmes in Nigeria Education while the remaining last two research questions were less supported or agreed with among the respondents.
This study was used to find out factors that really influence women to participate in Adult literacy programmes in Nigeria. The study was written in five chapters which consisted of the frame work upon which gathering and analysis of data are structured.
This enhanced the introduction of background to the study, statement of problem, purpose of study, research questions and hypotheses. The related literature on this scope of study using corresponding materials such as textbooks, journals, seminar papers and interested information were extensively research methodologies which consisted of research designed were used in carrying out the research instrument (questionnaire) and method of analyzing the data which was based on calculating the responses of the respondents and the results were placed on percentage to convert the numerical figures to percentage for better analysis and explanation of the data collected.
The discussion of findings followed the entire findings one after the other while the summary of work and conclusion were preceded.
The findings has found out that the desire to improve social, political and economic status of women are one of the major factors that influenced them to seek for further studying which is still influencing them to embark on Adult Literacy Programmes in Nigeria.
There is no gain-saying that more women are becoming literate in Nigeria today as a result of the campaign for mass literacy by the Nigeria government.
Furthermore, the study revealed that husbands’ status has little to do with women’s participation in Adult literacy programmes while on the other hand the level of their children education performances is another factors that caused many women to further their education in order to influence them positively
However, there are other factors which equally influenced their involvement in Adult literacy programmes, among such are the ability or the campaign for women liberation, ability to improve their standard of living, ability to befit from
government provisions in the society and so on.
Also, the role of government to the National development Constitutes another contribute of their quotas to the National development and political issues.
In response to the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made available which will help to improve the participation of Nigeria women in Adult literacy programmes across the country and also help government in attaining its subjective of mass literacy for all by year the 2015.
Firstly government should continue to provide supportive services, most importantly in the northern parts of the country where majority of our women are illiterates. Proper supervision and monitoring of their academic progress should be taken serious like never before.
Secondly, organizations such as National Orientation Agency (NOA) and the mass literacy campaign Agencies should not stop the campaign for awareness and moreover, the materials to be use should not be for sale, that is, government should provide them textbooks for free of charge across the country, however, if possible, government may decide to be giving pocket money to encourage them more particularly in the northern parts of the country where education is lagging behind.
Finally, from the speech of president Goodluck Jonathan, he said and I quote “by the second quarter of year, 2013 many Nigeria women will benefit from mass literacy programmes on free of charge to improve their standard most especially in the norther areas of the country.’’ This speech was made on 18th August, 2012 at a meeting with the federal executive council in Abuja. We believe this will not be mere speech, but rather it will be made manifest to see a better Nigeria among our women.
The followings are suggestions for further studies
– The impact of literacy programmes among Nigeria women in the Northern parts of the Country.
– The factors that really motivate the Northern women to participate fully.
– What could be done to eradicate the negative effects of cultural habits in our educational systems?
The study has dealt extensively with factors that influence Nigeria women participation in Adult literacy programmes, taking Oshodi/Isolo Local Government Area as its focus. The limitation of the study were time limit, preparation of items, Unwillingness of the respondents to the research instrument (questionnaires), finance, literature review and complexity of the study.
This study had led to the selection of three study centres in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government area however, this stands to represent the entire study centers of the federation and it is of good opinion that it will reflect and agree with general opinions.
a. Adeyemo, OA (2002) women Development An NCEMA National Workshop report No 11 sandman (Nig) Litd, Ibadan Nigeria PP7,17 and 23
b. Akinpelu J.A et al (2002): Language and Adult Education
c. Essays in memory of S.H. OTomori, Ibadan University Press, Ibadan Nigeria, West African pg 14-15, 20,31
d. Fatunwa, B.a (2005) History of Education in Nigeria George Allen and unwin Ltd, London pp 60,81
e. Harghurst R,J (2005) Development Tasks and Education 2nd Edition) D. Mackery, New York pp 15 and 16 Linderman E.c (2006) The meaning of Adult
f. Education Harvest House, Montreal.
g. Extraction from the Google Website Adult Education Prqctic in Nigeria in (2002).T Oyediji L(ed) (2012: coping with learning in Adult years joja Educational Research and publishers pg 1-7 CLNESCO (1988): world illiteracy At Mid –Century A statistical study greenwood press publishers, Westport pp 13
h. Google website: Roles of Government the liberation of women in Nigeria (2912).
i. Journal of on women contribution to the national development: given
The respondents are to tick the following options SA(strongly Agree); A (Agree: SA(Strongly Disagreed): D (Disagreed).
One option for each question in al the four sections I.e sections A,B,C and D respectively.
Is there any relationship between the campaign for women liberation and their
ability to read and write?
a. Is it true that men and women are equal? SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( ).
b. Ability to read and write make women equal to men? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D
c. Ability to read and write will make women better off than men?
SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( ).
d. Ability to read and write will make women impact positively on their children education? SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
e. Does the ability to read and write affect women standard of living?
SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
Does the degree of women seeking to improve themselves socially, economically and politically have a relationship with their ability to read and write?
a. Would the ability to read and write affect women social status?
SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
b. Would the ability to read and write affect women economic status?
SA ( ): A ( ):SD( ):D( )
c. Would the ability to read and write affect women political status?
SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
d. Would ability to read and write earn them respect in the society?
SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
e. Would ability to read and write has positive effect on women standard of living? SA ( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
Is there any relationship between women participation in Adult Literacy programmmes and husband social status
a. I see myself inferior to my husband because of low level of my education ?
SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D ( )
b. I decided to learn how to read and write because I was left out of my husband social life? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
c. I decided how to read and write because I find difficult to relate with my husband social group? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
d. I decided to learn how to read and write because my husband has attained a social status which I could not maintain? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
e. I decided to learn how to read and write because my husband wants it?
SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
Is there any relationship between government attitude to the role of women in AdultLiteracy programmes?
a. I decided to learn how to read and write because has encouraged me
b. I decide to learn how to read and write because government is offering free Adult literacy programmes for women? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
c. I decided to learn how to read and write because government is paying part of the tuition fees? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
d. I decided to learn how to read and write because government is ready to help educated women in the society? SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
e. I decided to learn how to read and write because un-educate women are not benefitting from the government provisions in the society
SA( ):A( ):SD( ):D( )
1 Men and women are equal
2 Ability to read and write make women equal to men
3 Ability to read and write will make women better off than men?
4 Does ability to read and write make women impact positively on their children Education:
5 Ability to read and write affect women’s standard of living positively?
6 Would the ability to read and write affect women social status
7 Ability to read and write affect women economic
8 Ability to read and write
9 Ability to read and write earn women respect in the society
10 Ability to read and write affect women’s standard of living positively
11 I see myself inferior to my husband’s social status
12 I decided to learn how to read and write because I left out in my husband’s social life
13 I decided to learn how to read and write because I find difficult to relate with husband’s friends
14 I decided to learn how to read and write because my husband wants it for me
15 I decided to learn how to read and write because my is too proud
16 I decided to learn how to read and write because government has encourage me
17 I decided to learn how to read and write because government is offering free Adult literacy programmes for women
18 I decided to learn t read and write because government is paying part of the tuition fees
19 I decided to learn how to read and write because un-educated the government is ready to help educated women in the society
20 I decided to learn how to read and write because un-educated women are not benefitting from the government provision in the societ
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